Running time: 83 mins.
Paul Thomas's short plot-based film for Vivid revolves around the complex and convoluted relationship between Kira Kener, Lezley Zen and Roxanne Hall and their partners, which leaves none of the girls feeling satisfied.
Lying naked on her bed, Roxanne's husband is busy licking her pussy when the pair are interrupted by the maid bringing breakfast. The two don't have time to finish off before he has to rush out to work.
Across town, Kira's moment of happiness with her vibe is spoilt when the phone rings. Lezley's morning is also ruined when her partner is called to repair a pool.
In a succession of scenes which are long on words and short on action, the girls and guys meet up in various places.
Roxanne stands behind a curtain masturbating as she watches Lezley's partner work on her pool. Kira argues with her boyfriend and meets Roxanne's husband at a convention. After leaving home, Lezley has a brief fling with Kira's partner.
Finally, Roxanne approaches the pool guy, but her short moment of shagging in the trench he's dug is brought to an end when her husband returns.
The complicated plot, multiple short scenes and extensive dialogue, combined with the grainy picture quality, means Les Bitches is not one of Paul Thomas's or Vivid's better works. Avoid.
Review by Dawn "Hot Totty" Birtle |