< High School

Released: 1998
Notes: DBM Obsession OS 1513
Notes and Reviews

Female credits, identified assuming some consistency of first name aliases - Belinda Blue [Nathalie], Gloria Duval, Naomi St James [Rachael], Donna Riley [Donna Warner]. The fourth girl looks very like Vanessa Brannan, but wears a beret the whole time. This girl also appears in Stramme Lust without the beret and it is then apparent that she is not Vanessa.

Set in some sort of school where the girls get lessons in sex. It opens with Donna Warner and Yves Bailat at the breakfast table. David Perry and Roger Dean enter and chat briefly then leave. The sex then begins with Donna doing anal twice with Yves in between which he inserts the ends of kitchen utensils and of a bottle as well as vegetables into her cream-and butter-lubricated anus. He ends by cumming over her pussy.

The other two men return briefly to observe some of this after they have finished with the intercut scene with Rachael and Nathalie who are sleeping in the same large bed when the two men come into the room and wake them up. Rachael takes anal from David Perry and Nathalie does anal and DP with Roger Dean. They take a facial each. This is followed by the two girls in the shower where Rachael is fisted (vaginally) by Nathalie.

Next the four girls are together, sitting on a couch in their school uniforms all wearing pigtails and berets, taking a lesson in oral sex from Yves Bailat, beginning by practising on dildos then on him. He sends for the other two men. Roger Dean goes off with Rachael to another room and ditto David Perry with Donna Warner. The three sex scenes are initially intercut.

Nathalie, Gloria Duval and Yves have a threesome. Firstly Nathalie is taken anally then she fists Gloria on her own and then while Gloria is taken anally by Yves.

Donna is taken anally by David Perry and then Nathalie arrives to fist her too. Meanwhile Rachael's scene has proceeded to a facial. Donna's facial is shared by Nathalie.

Finally Rachael sucks off Yves Bailat.

(Thanks to Dag for giving the names of the male actors).

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